Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is Death The Real Loss?????

"DEATH"-what is the 1st thing that comes to your mind wen you think of these 5 letters??Most of us would have a picture of some death in the recent past or some impactful situation from our respective childhoods in our minds.
All of us are definately born on this earth with a unique purpose.All our capabilities and talents are present according to what serves our own purposes.There is a time for each one of us given by destiny to leave this world.Well for most of us it is a big FAT fullstop for anything and everything.But what we dont realise is that it is not the end But the beggening of a new journey into the same world.I know u must be thinking what a wierdo dis girl is!

but from what i've read and known "There is no death for the Soul" it is a form of energy which can neither be created nor destroyed.

As many of us are not aware about this we start grieving at the loss of our loved ones.I mean its' perfectly normal to feel damn bad and depressed when someone dies but what i would like to say is dont get carried away by that.

let me share a personal experience,I was only 7-years old when i lost my father.Maybe i was too little to recognize the irrepairable loss i had incurred but all i did at that time was maybe cry 4 a few days and sometimes get up in the middle of the ni8 and call out for him.Even though i knew he wouldnt come i was adamant and stubborn to get him back.My grief at that time was that i was not getting what i wanted i.e., my dad.I guess I was too immature at that time to understand why i wouldnt get him back!

The next impactful thing would defintely have to be my Dearest Brothers' Demise,which happend almost 10 years later.Now i am 17 It is the biggest shock for me because my closeness with my brother,and emotional attatchment couldnt match anything.Just like anybody else the first thing I did was CRY...i cried and cried and cried...but nothing seemed to get out that heaviness i had in my heart.I tried to look for other ways to remove it but couldnt find any other alternative so i let the pain and heaviness be!

Days passed by The same Old reigme get up,go to college,study.But somewhere a void had been created which i badly wanted to fill.At almost the same time i had been hearing about many more deaths of people i knew and in the news and so on.Slowly the heaviness which was inside me was coming out in the form of anxiety.Finally the volcano erupted when i saw the gruesome death of a chief minister on Television.These news channels showing the visuals and music they played were heart-wrenching! People around me were thinking i was out of my wits because i was crying for someone whom i had never seen or met.But at that time i was actually putting myself in the place of the sister of the C.M and could definately feel the pain.I began to worry so much,that all these things came out as a chronic health problem.

I felt helpless not knowing what to. I went and shared this with my brother's wife who showed me a new process called 'HEALING" people who dont exactly know or who have half -baked knowledge would think itz some magic or spells or whatever,but it is actually a process wherein ur body and mind are cleansed.This is only done when u let go of the past.After a few-sessions i was back to normal.

Now whenever i think of my brother dear i always have a smile than the usual frown.!

Thats' because now i know that my brother is nolonger gone.Its only his physical form that is not with us.All those wonderful happy moments we shared are priceless and can never be lost!

I still have people around me who grieve for him.Nevertheless i know they will come around sometime.Well Hopefully!

What i want to conclude is that all of us must be aware that our"loved ones" are our loved ones for eternity its just that they keep changing forms.We should not hold on to them otherwise we cannot learn new things like i have learned.Yes!definetly it is my brother who has helped me learn all these things and share 'em with you people! Well that just might have been his purpose in my life.So I really hope my experience and thoughts will help someone recover from their related experience.

Looking forward for ur comments and suggestions!

Thank You!:-))))))))

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yes! i know im a big language breaker,spoiler or watever but that means happiness to me!
as dis is my 1st time blogging i thought i'd start off with a topic very familiar to all of us nd something we all long to have!
but wat exactly is happiness??? Owning d newest gizmo,car in town?? Being able to party all night without getting caught?? Having a full green wallet???
the answers to most of these is maybe.Each one of us may have a different definition for it.For a student it could be escaping an exam or a punishment,for a business man it could me fullon profits at a weekend,for a simple housewife it could be a happy ending in a daily soap opera!!!
Well if u look at all these your happiness depends on stuff outside!
So That is not the real happiness is it?
why do we all work,think,struggle for this pseudo-happiness???
U are happy wen u listen to ur favourite track on ur latest 16GB IPOD..but u should be even happier to learn it and be able to sing it by urself!
to make that simpler all i want to say is The happiness we think is definately not the real happiness...
"Happiness is within u!"
not in some electronic piece of thing or ur leather wallet..
To sum it all up i would like to suggest to everyone that we should introspect ourselves and try 2 find happiness in non-materialistic stuff..then we can find true bliss in every work we undertake and no longer have to bother about anything else..!
(being a first timer i mi8 have made some mistakes i d like to apologise b4 hand)~~~`